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Give someone
back their life.
donate a kidney.

Six people die each week waiting for a kidney. Most of us are born with two kidneys, but we only need one to lead a happy and healthy life. A living donation is the best current treatment option for most people who need a transplant.

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Living Kidney Donor Sanjiv lifting his top
Image of living kidney donor Teresa
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Sanjiv’s story
"Once the idea of donating a kidney had got into my head, that was it."
Read Sanjiv’s story
Sanjiv’s story
Ruby’s Story
My donor gave me a life to live for. I have done things I had never considered doing whilst on dialysis.
Read Ruby’s Story
Ruby’s Story
Daisy-May’s Story
Sheldon & Hayley watched their daughter Daisy-May go from a shock diagnosis of kidney failure to dialysis, then transplant, in an emotional rollercoaster lasting 16 months.
Read Daisy-May’s Story
Daisy-May’s Story
Prafula’s Story
"Within both the Jain and Hindu faiths benevolence to others is supposed to be a key principle. What could be a greater act of benevolence than transforming someone’s life by giving them part of yourself?"
Read Prafula’s Story
Prafula’s Story
Liz’s Story
Liz's family struggled at first with her determination to donate her kidney to someone unrelated to her.
Read Liz’s Story
Liz’s Story

Key Information

Smiling healthcare professional talking to a patient
A healthcare professional talking to two patients

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