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Living Donation

Donating a kidney to someone who urgently needs it is one of the most remarkable things you can do. Discover what’s involved and how to start your journey to becoming a donor.

Image of living kidney donor Celia smiling

Financial considerations

Some potential donors are concerned about whether their decision may impact their finances. It is important to understand that support is available, and to speak to your Donor Coordinator about your financial situation as early as possible.


The NHS aims to reimburse living donors to make sure your good deed doesn’t come at the cost of your income (If you are employed, you should first discuss what support is available under your Terms of Employment and Statutory Sick Pay).

There will be paperwork and evidence required to claim for this support. No reimbursement can be given unless these forms are completed, so make sure you speak to your healthcare professional and get everything done in plenty of time so that the payments can be made after donation.

If you are interested in learning more about this financial support, you should speak to your Donor Coordinator about it early in your assessment journey. They will help you with the process, as they are very familiar with it.

Travel cost support

In addition to loss of earnings, sometimes there are other costs that can be covered, particularly around travelling to and from any healthcare and surgery appointments. This also includes getting reimbursed for hospital car parking during your appointments, but you will need to provide evidence of your expenses.

What happens if I am self-employed?

If you are self-employed, you can still claim for loss of earnings. Your Living Donor Coordinator should be able to help you with this. You will need to show proof of your gross income (for example, a copy of the income and expenses page of your tax return).

How do I claim this support?

Speak to your Living Donor Coordinator as soon as possible while you are being assessed as a kidney donor. They will give you a claim form, answer any questions or concerns you might have, and help you to fill it in.

The NHS principle of reimbursement

It is important to remember that the NHS strongly believes that there should be no financial incentive or disincentive in becoming a living donor. They aim to leave you (financially) no better or worse off than you would be if you didn’t donate. This is why they can reimburse you for your travel and up to 12 weeks of lost earnings, but can’t provide any other incentives towards donating.

Will it be covered by my health insurance?

You should check with your insurance company before donating. Your transplant team are always happy to offer advice and resources if your insurance company has any specific questions related to the donation and long-term risk for you.

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